Periphery bassist Nolly departs band

The band life can be a very rewarding time, especially when you do the hard yards and put in as much effort as possible then see some fantastic results for your dedication. International Tours, High Selling Albums and even award nominations are all part of the possibility and prog-metal act Periphery have managed to accumulate all of the above mentioned and then some. But there comes a time when you can no longer continue and departing is the only answer for your own well-being... unless you're kicked out, but that's another kettle of fish.
News out today comes from bassist Adam Nolly Getgood who has revealed to fans he's departing the band, on good terms, to focus on home life and production. In a statement on the band's Facebook Page he revealed:
No word on replacement plans as of yet (not that there would be this early) but we'll keep you updated. Thanks for the good times Nolly. Periphery were only here in February for their Select Difficulty Tour. Revisit the action in Perth here
Header Photo: Josefa Torres Photography
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