Just before they jump on a plane and play to Australian audiences next month AFI are in a spot of bother with their former bassist Geoff Kresge who is currently taking pre-orders for reissues of the guys' earlier work, while he was part of the band. The issue here being that the rest of AFI (at that time) hadn't been notified of his intentions and he's also releasing a song which he had "no part in writing".
The band released a statement on their Facebook Page indicating:

Geoff Kresge was part of the band from 1992-1997 and served as bassist and backing vocalist, he also co-wrote songs with Davey Havok on the Dork EP which he intends on flogging as a reissue on September 29th. He issued a own statement on his Facebook Page:
We'll keep you posted on how this all turns out, until then...

AFI – Australian Tour 2017
with Basement & Introvert
Saturday 9 September – Big Top, Sydney (lic., all ages)
Sunday 10 September – Forum Theatre, Melbourne (18+)
Tuesday 12 September – HQ, Adelaide (lic., all ages)
Thursday 14 September – Metro City, Perth (18+)
Saturday 16 September – Eatons Hill, Brisbane (lic. all ages)
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vf2Dea752es&w=853&h=480]