Watch these bands EXPLODE after Big Sound 2017

I have to admit I've got a pretty good love affair with Big Sound, the annual music junket in Brisbane where bands from all over the country congregate in what can only be described as the SXSW of Australia... only much more alcohol is consumed and new bands are discovered and nurtured for years to come.
The 2017 Line Up was revealed earlier this week and due to the sheer number of acts included, it was hard to get through them all to decide who we thought would completely blow audiences out of the water and excel further with their careers afterwards. But here's our predictions for the band that will explode onto the scene after and why you need to catch them if you go.
Not many unsigned bands can infiltrate the ARIA Charts with their debut EP The Guilt & The Grief release and catch the eye stacks of fans in the process. These lads have been working their arses off and it's so good to see their name amongst some of the greats included this year. Definitely watch Polaris and support their musical endeavours.
If you haven't heard of these guys before, you've certainly been living under a secluded rock for the majority of your life. Recently they had shows shut down on their European tour due to excessive noise (that's how you know how good they are) and when I caught them supporting The Bennies last year, they caused one of the biggest circle pit's I've ever laid eyes on, in such a small sized venue. We can only expect the same kind of thing when they make their return to Brisbane.
Endless Heights
They're just about to hit the road supporting Touché Amoré, they've already toured with Hellions, Taking Back Sunday and performed at UNIFY in 2015, so it's only a matter of time before the rest of the country catch wind of these Sydney siders and start throwing down at their own national headlining shows, which we can guarantee will happen post Big Sound.
Introvert are touring with AFI. They also appeared at Groovin' the Moo Maitland, toured with Birds of Tokyo AND They've also got the legendary Chris O'Brien handling their affairs (who also works alongside Storm the Sky and we've all seen the exposure they've received), so now once they put on an exceptional show in Brisbane, they'll be unstoppable. Get involved now.
Just like when I first laid eyes and ears on High Tension at Big Sound in 2015, I've got the same feeling about Melbourne's Pagan too. With a brutally heavy, in your face style that'll definitely turn heads in a good way, let's just hope they stop before turning all the way around and start projectile vomiting green spew like in the Exorcist... too far?
When you first hear these guys, your first instinct should kick in and say "damn, these guys would be sweeeet on a line up with Violent Soho and Dune Rats", and that's kinda/sorta what's happening. They've signed to the Dunies label Ratbag Records and are currently on their regional tour too. Within the next year these Rockhampton locals will be out and about on their own with the next Stoner Rock band to take under their wing.
Big Sound Festival 2017
Sept 5-8, Brisbane QLD
Rainbow Pass - $85.00
Four nights of live music + BIGSOUND Festival Closing Party
Single Night Pass - $45.00
Access to a single night of live music
Access All Areas Purple Pass - $470.00
Access to all live show, conferences, parties, delegate portal and more