Northlane are teasing some Next Level Bullshit you have to see!

Fresh from touring Australia more times than I changed underwear last year, Northlane aren't stopping with staying front of mind with their career and by the sounds and looks of things, their next direction is going to be some bullshit good experience.
The boys are currently teasing what can only be described as a 30 Seconds to Mars style short film with an interesting sample of what could be their new album
In the description, a link takes you to Facebook Messenger where a pre-estabished "pick your own adventure" conversation with someone called Citizen showing glimpses and teases of what's to come with a world of privacy lost. I won't spoil all the fun for you, check it out yourself.
But for fans who were wondering what could Northlane do next to make them stand out from he rest of the Australian hardcore music scene, we'll, they're definitely leading the pack with this new direction and promotion.
Stay tuned for more.
Browny (@brownypaul)
Northlane - The Intuition Tour
with Hands Like Houses