Dune Rats - The Kids Will Know It's Bullshit (Album Review)

Dune Rats - The Kids Will Know It's Bullshit
Released: 3rd February 2017
Danny Beusa – Vocals/Guitar
BC Michaels – Vocals/Drums
Brett Jansch - Vocals/Bass
Facebook: Dune Rats
Website: www.dunerats.tv
Stoner rock over the years has pleased a vast variety of music fans, those who smoke and those who enjoy the jokes, riffage and all around good times had at shows/listening parties etc. Dune Rats who reign from Brisbane are on the way up following in the footsteps of the likes of Violent Soho, Frenzal Rhomb and DZ Deathrays and if you haven't heard of them before, maybe it's time to pull the bong out of the sink cupboard (or head to 7-11 and grab a Gatorade bottle and your neighbour's hose) and re-familiarise yourself with the genre. If that kind of thing doesn't interest you, you should probably stop reading as you're not going to enjoy anything that is written below this point haha
The upcoming trio have had a few stand out singles and received praise across the globe and their new album is set to launch them further than before. So here we go, sober as a fox, listening to what they've been working on for the past year or so.
The album begins with "Don't Talk" a slow start that explodes with a heavy bass line and Danny's signature rough/whiney vocals. Simple lyrics about being incredibly hung as fuck over and not wanting to touch anything ever again, but not being able to escape the enticing invitation of a quick session when the opportunity arises. The build up and drop mid song sounds like it would go fuckin' off live, so make sure you see them on their upcoming tour. The rough guitar fades out with what seems to be a slowed down, probably on drugs guy laughing and we're straight into one of the better nostalgic songs of the album "6 Pack". Remember a time when you were too young to buy alcohol but you really wanted to have a beer with your mates, in the basement/garage of your parents house? Well this is about the time your older brother bought you and your mates alcohol and smokes and you had a really good time. Even though the supplying of alcohol to a minor is heaps sick illegal, according to the track, that simple gesture is what opens the flood gates to becoming an alcoholic when you finally move out. Not true, but definitely a song to remind you of the carefree times when you used to be a pre-pubescent teenager with nothing better to do with your life. Cheers to the older siblings for turning us into the legends we are today though! Upping the pace for "Demolition Derby" next with this somewhat psychedelic rock, party song which makes you want to jump around and bash into each other, yet the guitar tones changing will only help to increase your greening out after you've punched too many cones prior to chucking this one on.
"Braindead" is an anthem song for that mate (or associate) you have that is completely dumb as fuck and you literally wonder why you even hang out with him... Ours was called Bushy. With lyrics like "I get blind staring at the sun" and the chorus of "Nothing seems to teach you ay, and nothing seems to teach you". Its a very simple song, just like those simple friends who you can't remember why you kept around. "Scott Green" is next which is taking over the globe with many Dunies fans tattooing the question on their bodies. Yes Scott Green isn't a character or person but a question you ask when you're out of bud and in desperate need of a hook-up. The boys video is a trip you'll never forget and maybe now, this song will make it less awkward to ask that shady character in the back of the party if he's holding.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ul6VV8XW9xw&w=853&h=480]
Its around this time of the album I realised I'm way to sober to even know where we are heading on this journey and the next song "Never Gonna Get High" is a reflection on when the drugs have kicked in and you're tripping balls pretty hard so you have that moment to yourself where you think enough is enough and you're gonna give it up. With catchy repetitive lyrics and a smooth, sexy Brett Jansch bass line complimenting each other, you'll come to terms with the fact the fighting voices in your head are just peer pressuring you to either stop or fuck it all and keep going... Also known as commonsense right? This album, although simple in idea, works very hard at pulling on your nostalgic moments, especially when "Like Before" comes on. Back in your party days you had a tight group of mates who were always up for anything, but when the party eventually came to an end and everyone grew up and moved on with their lives, you found yourself reminiscing on the good old time, like you did before. Thats exactly the prognosis of this track, you wanting your mate (who's become successful and had kids) to stop being a sell out and come back over to party like you used to.
With "Counting Sheep" finally there is a song which goes over the reasons why you find it hard to get some shut eye at night, "Buzz-Kill" is rocky, upbeat anthem for the tool bags you get stuck with who just want to ruin everything for you. We all know one and have to deal with them on a weekly basis. Now instead of losing your shit and ending up in a fight, you can just play this and sing it loud and proud to their face in front of everyone... apologies if it results in you getting punched in the face though! "Mary" makes things heavier to begin with but drops off with Danny's alluring rough vocals easing us into a song about those female you love to hate, but hate to love. Or Marijuana. I can't tell the difference by this point.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNwWzBXIycQ&w=853&h=480]
The climax of the album is picked perfectly with the band's first single "Bullshit" closing the session experience and keeping you hooked for that one last song. A fun track, similar to "Buzz-Kill", yet on a more personal level. When you can't find the words for your drug fuelled hatred towards someone, play this and sing along. By the end of it, you'll stop wigging out and come good again. A perfect explanation and way for you to shift the blame on your passive aggressive attitude problem.
In closing Dune Rats and their signature sound is a very niche market and as the title suggests The Kids Will Know (this album) It's Bullshit, but if you're in the middle of your experimenting days, partying every weekend and not giving a single fuck, you'll use this album as a soundtrack to your life. If those days for you are long gone, it'll bring back a flood of memories and make you want to reconnect with your previous party animal friends.

Dune Rats - The Kids Will Know It's Bullshit tracklist
- Don't Talk
- 6 Pack
- Demolition Derby
- Braindead
- Scott Green
- Never Gonna Get High
- Like Before
- Counting Sheep
- Buzz-Kill
- Mary
- Bullshit
Rating: 5/10
The Kids Will Know It's Bullshit is Available Feb 3
Browny (@brownypaul)