Just when you thought 2016 was over, Of Mice & Men have one last shock news story for you...

Californian post-hardcore act Of Mice & Men who were supposed to be touring Aus this month with A Day to Remember have lost their front-man Austin Carlile who has decided to part ways with the band due to an ongoing illness called Marfan syndrome he's been fighting for a few years now.
The unclean singer posted the announcement on his twitter account:
As for the rest of the band, they'll continue as a four piece and with their most recent release Cold World this is easily a no brainer with the band slowly shifting towards clean vocals and away from their heavier screams we knew them for at the start, which Austin was no longer capable of doing. The former front-man has set up his life in Costa Rica where he will continue to heal, rest up and write music in some way shape or form. Yes it's not all over until the fat lady sings.
We wish the band all the best moving forward and Austin a speedy recovery, however long that may take given the situation he's in.
Browny (@brownypaul)
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTojw1XQdbw&w=853&h=480]